How To Upload An App To Your Site

How To Upload An App To Your Site
How To Upload An App To Your Site

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A large number of different web projects are presented on the Internet, which are developed for various purposes. At the same time, you can upload not only text information to the site, but also some programs.

How to upload an app to your site
How to upload an app to your site


Step 1

Such applications are not part of the control of the win32 operating system. That is, other types of programs have been developed for the site, which are installed as specific modules. Basically, each module is only suitable for a specific engine. See which engine you have on your site. This can be done in the admin panel. To do this, you need to log in using your account.

Step 2

Once you know which engine you have on your project, you can load certain modules for it. At the moment, a large number of various programs have been developed that help site owners, simplifying their work. For example, you can install a program on your site, namely a module that will automatically remove spam links from comments. Quite a useful feature, especially for large projects.

Step 3

First, determine what kind of application you should have on the site. Do not forget that many modules for websites are written by ordinary users, and it is not known what code they could have put there. If you understand programming, then be sure to check the correctness of the code and its safety. In the absence of such knowledge, please refer to specialized forums. If a module is popular, then there will definitely be reviews about it on the Internet.

Step 4

Download the application that you need to install on the site. As a rule, there is always an instruction in the archive. You will need to have ftp access rights to change some of the entries in the site engine. Also, in some cases, you have to copy image or video files to the site in order for the application to work in full mode.
