How To Get Your Old YouTube Design Back

How To Get Your Old YouTube Design Back
How To Get Your Old YouTube Design Back

Modern sites and applications often change their appearance, which is not always to the liking of users. For example, some are wondering how to bring back the old YouTube design and make popular video hosting as convenient as ever.

It's easy enough to bring back the old YouTube design
It's easy enough to bring back the old YouTube design

Old YouTube design on computer

In 2017, the world's largest video hosting service introduced such a function as "night mode": those who came to the site for the first time in a long time were asked to check the box to activate the innovation. Most users did this without thinking and subsequently found that the background on all YouTube pages turned black. This is what is often confused with the supposedly new design of the service.

Night mode is useful at night. The fact is that vision gets tired quite a lot by the onset of the evening, which is why bright colors (especially white) cause severe pain in the eyes. This is why many sites and applications now allow you to change their appearance depending on the time of day, so that users can comfortably read and view information.

To bring back the old YouTube design, you first need to sign in to your account using your personal username and password. Make sure you are on the "Home" or "Subscriptions" tab. Now you need to click on the profile picture in the upper right corner. At the bottom of the menu that opens, there is a night mode switch. Set it to OFF to return YouTube to its original white background.

Old YouTube design on smartphone

Recently, the official video hosting application for mobile devices also began to support two modes. If you are using YouTube on your phone, you need to sign in to your account as in the previous step. The transition to custom settings is carried out by clicking on the image in the upper right part of the screen.

In the menu that appears, select the "Settings" item. The first available option in the section that opens will be activation or deactivation of night mode. It is enough to move the corresponding toggle switch to immediately return the old YouTube design. As for other features of the application and site, the administration often makes small changes to their appearance. Follow the news of the service and use the parameters section to make YouTube convenient to use.
