How To Delete All Posts From The VKontakte Wall

How To Delete All Posts From The VKontakte Wall
How To Delete All Posts From The VKontakte Wall

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A page littered with unnecessary information can greatly annoy users of social networks. With the help of special scripts, you can delete all entries from the VKontakte wall with just a few clicks, thereby avoiding lengthy erasure of messages one by one.

Clean the VKontakte wall with two clicks
Clean the VKontakte wall with two clicks


Step 1

Open all the posts on your wall to quickly clear it. This way you do not have to press the button "to previous records" many times. Paste the special code into the address bar of your browser while on the main page of your profile: javascript: function get_wall () {if (document.getElementById ('wall_more_link')) {var count = geByClass (cur.wallType, ge ('page_wall_posts')). length; wall.showMore (count);} else {clearInterval (int_id)}}; var int_id = setInterval (get_wall, 1000). After that, the entries on your wall will gradually start loading up to the earliest ones.

Step 2

Use the following script to delete all posts from the VKontakte wall with one click: javascript: var h = document.getElementsByClassName ("delete_post"); for (var i = 0; i.getElementsByTagName ("div") [0].onclick.toString (); var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("{"); var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1 [1].split (";"); eval (fn_arr_2 [0]);}.

Step 3

You can find other scripts to quickly delete records on various Internet resources. Be careful and review the body of the script before using it. It should not contain links to third-party resources or suspicious services. So attackers can find out your username and password to access the page.

Step 4

Download one of the programs that provide access to special VKontakte functions, for example VKlite. With the help of them, you can not only delete existing posts on the wall, but also restore those that were deleted earlier, as well as deleted messages, videos, etc.
