How To Check In Icq Whether You Are Ignored Or Not

How To Check In Icq Whether You Are Ignored Or Not
How To Check In Icq Whether You Are Ignored Or Not

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If you use the ICQ instant messaging program, you have probably at least once asked yourself a question - is it really that one of the contacts on the list has not appeared on the network for so long or have you started to be ignored? The answer to this question can be found using special programs.

How to check in icq whether you are ignored or not
How to check in icq whether you are ignored or not

It is necessary

  • - working version of ICQ;
  • - Internet access.


Step 1

Try to get started with cunning. You can try to give the ICQ number of the person you want to check to your good friend. Let him add him to his list of contacts and see if he is online or not. Thus, it will be obvious whether this contact ignores you or not. By the way, you need to know that the analog version of ICQ - QIP has the "Invisible Eye" function. With its help, you can find out if a person is actually offline or simply does not want to communicate with you. In another clone of ICQ - Miranda, you can understand whether you are being ignored or not by carefully studying the "Message delivery" function. If you wrote a message to a contact who is now offline, and a checkmark appeared in front of him, it means that the message has been delivered, and this person, most likely, put you on the ignored list. If there is no delivery report, then, most likely, this user of the program has not actually visited it for a long time.

Step 2

You can find services on the Internet that for free and in a matter of seconds will check in which mode the owner of the desired uin is now. By simply entering the ICQ number in the specified field, you will receive an answer: is there a person on the network or not. If yes, but a red flower is on your list opposite his nickname, it means that you have been ignored. Nevertheless, resource developers themselves admit that this check will not give 100% of the result.

Step 3

A small utility to check the list of ignored contacts can be installed on a computer by those who mistrust various online programs. For example, you can download and install a program such as ICQ Ignore Checker v.1.3.1. When using it, you need to wait until the person being checked goes online, enter your number and password, and then write the number of the person you want to check and click Check. According to numerous reviews on computer forums, the program copes with its task in almost all cases.
