In order to quickly find out your ip address, there are several common ways. All of them are practical and simple, so they do not require much effort.

The first way is to go to a forum or site, the properties of which allow you to determine the address of all visitors (including, of course, your computer). Such resources are, for example, the website or a special Yandex page. However, there are a great many such sites, and you can use the one that seems more convenient to you.
If you do not know any such site, and you need to determine the address as soon as possible - just fill in the search box of Google or Yandex with the query "address of the site that determines the IP" or something like that. Rest assured, you will find at least a few of these sites in a matter of seconds. You can also find out your ip by analyzing the properties of your internet connection. To do this, go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel" there, and then - "Network Connections". We double-click on the shortcut for connecting to the Internet, and in the window that opens here we look at the "Information" tab. The very bottom line in this tab will be the ip address of your computer.
Conveniently and simply, you can find out the ip address using the special ipconfig service, which is included in the Windows operating system. Remember that the ip address of a computer can be either dynamic or static, depending on which provider you use. The static (permanent) address always remains the same, while the dynamic one can change every time you connect to the network. You can determine the type of address (static or dynamic) both empirically (connect to the Internet several times in a row), or simply by calling the technical support of the company that provides you with services for providing you with an Internet connection. If desired, you can purchase a static IP address from almost any provider for a certain fee.