Why People Are Leaving Social Media

Why People Are Leaving Social Media
Why People Are Leaving Social Media

People realized that the Internet is not so much private as public space, and any information about a person that gets there becomes available to everyone. And not everyone is happy about it. Some decide not to put their lives, thoughts and problems on public display anymore and delete their pages from social networks.

Why people are leaving social media
Why people are leaving social media

The social Internet is gradually losing ground, analysts say. Recently, there has been a sharp drop in user interest in such "monsters" as Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Tumblr. And the Russian services VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are no longer so popular. This happens for various reasons.

Fighting internet addiction

Some of the “outgoing” people realize that virtual communication is gradually crowding out other aspects of their lives. They understand that they spend too much time on the Internet at the expense of family, everyday problems and even work. To put an end to this, they stop virtual communication altogether, unable to reasonably dose it.

Disappointment in virtual communication

Others realize that online communication is not at all like interaction between people in real life. Everything here is conditional - both friendship and love. And in the sincerity of the interlocutor "on the other side of the monitor" you can not always be sure.

On the one hand, making friends and conducting dialogues on social networks is easier than in the real world, but this does not solve existing communication problems, if any. Those who leave prefer to solve these real problems in the real world.

Those who tried to find their “soul mate” on social networks and failed to fall into the same category can also be classified in this category.


It happens that a person, being an active member of an Internet community, suddenly deletes his account or simply stops any communication with former "friends", stops going to the usual pages, commenting, and generally being interested in the life of the community.

Often this is due to an explicit or latent conflict with other members of the community, resentment towards them and, as a result, the desire to leave, “loudly slamming the door”, ie. deleting all information about yourself.

Sometimes such departures are quite actively discussed if the user was really active and had a wide circle of contacts in this group, but in most cases they go unnoticed.


Some are forced to leave social networks by the specifics of their work. It is known that many serious companies carefully monitor the information that appears on the pages of their employees, and find various incriminating materials that can even become an unspoken reason for dismissal.

In addition, a person holding a high position, as a rule, seeks to get away from publicity, he does not need to demonstrate himself to the world. On the contrary, he wants to hide his personal life from prying eyes, so as not to endanger his position.


Yes, there is a certain category of people who simply do not understand why social networks are needed and how you can communicate in them. Having registered and tried to make several publications, but not seeing a response to them, such users are disappointed in social communication and stop it.

It may also turn out that a particular Internet community does not respond well to the personal needs of a particular person, and he leaves it. So, teenagers now prefer to communicate not on Twitter or Facebook, where there are too many of those "who are over 25", but, for example, on Reddit, which has not yet been mastered by the older generation.
