How To Lock A House In Minecraft

How To Lock A House In Minecraft
How To Lock A House In Minecraft

Griefers have become a real disaster for Minecraft, gaining more and more scale. Many gamers, participating in a server game, at least once faced a situation when, returning from a mine or after battles with monsters, they found their own dwelling, on the construction of which they once spent a lot of effort and resources, destroyed and ruined. What should they do to prevent a repetition of this?

Any dwelling in Minecraft can be seized
Any dwelling in Minecraft can be seized

WorldGuard vs. Virtual Destroyers

Of course, server administrations are fighting griffing (which is a kind of compilation of trolling, looting and major hooliganism) with their own methods, trying to protect users from such dishonest players. Against such violators, they boldly use a ban, and some - and a system of white lists ("white lists").

However, another method turns out to be much more effective - installing the WorldGuard plugin on the server. It allows gamers themselves to partly take care of the safety of their own virtual property (first of all, buildings and valuable resources stored in them). This plugin adds the ability to privatize the territory, first of all - your home.

In Minecraft, there are various options for performing such a task, which largely depend on the characteristics of a particular server. Some in this regard prefer to act in a simpler manner. They "privatize" specific things in their home - for example, a chest with valuable resources (like diamonds or obsidian blocks), a stove, a door to a dwelling, etc.

This is done quite simply. In the chat, you will need to enter the / cprivat command and right-click on the item that is supposed to be left locked. If you wish, you can set a password on it - then even an outsider will not be able to enter the door (if it is "private"). To do this, the command / cpassword will be enough and, separated by a space, specify the combination of symbols required to access this item. When the gamer himself needs to open the locked thing, he simply writes / cunlock, and then specifies the previously programmed password.

Large scale "privatization"

Meanwhile, the above actions are not always enough for any serious protection of your home from griefers. Those can easily bypass such a "point" private - for example, enter the dwelling not through the door, but by breaking the window or in another way. If they even fail to open the chest when it is sealed, they can cause completely different destruction.

How to proceed? Protect every detail of the house and its furnishings with a dedicated team? No, because the implementation of such a task will be very tedious and time-consuming. Another way out is much easier - to install a private on the site on which the dwelling is located.

Moreover, if the rules of the server allow this, it is worth private it not from corner to corner, but to capture part of the space around it. This is extremely necessary, because recently there have been more cases of "hijacking" of the house. At the same time, griefers, using a clever system of pistons, push the dwelling of another player out of the sealed area, and already there they ruin him.

In order to prevent such an undesirable scenario, you should pick up a wooden ax (if it is not in your inventory, you can call it by entering // wand in the chat) and click it on the corner point of the upper border of the selected area. To celebrate it easier, it is worthwhile to first build a pillar there (a little higher than the gamer's dwelling) from sand or earthen blocks. Then, in the same way, another point is marked with an ax - located diagonally from the first, in the lower part of the site. If the player has done everything correctly, the house will be inscribed in a certain cuboid, highlighted by a reddish grid of coordinates.

Another way to mark the territory is to simply stand first at point A (with the chat command // pos 1), and then at point B (// pos 2). For such actions, an ax is not required. There is also a third method of marking the boundaries of "privatization". Here you just need to click on the crosshair one by one on the above points, each time entering the commands - respectively // hpos 1 and // hpos 2.

After applying any of the above methods, the selected region will need to be given a name. To do this, / rg claim is entered into the chat and, separated by a space, the name of his sealed area invented by the gamer. Now only the owner himself can destroy and install blocks on it.