One of the interesting hidden object games is "The Island of Secrets". In addition, it is filled with other tasks. In the process of passing, some players may encounter tasks that are impossible for them. In this case, they will need a hint to complete the game.

Step 1
Level 1. In the pyramid, put the gold disc on it. Hang the Indian feathers on the statue. Place the stone with the pattern with the other stones. Hang the found cauldron over the hearth and use a lighter to light a fire under it. Go to the hut location. Look for a tam-tam stick and place it with others. Return the mask to the wall of masks. Put musical instruments together. Put the tip of the spear on the shaft. Place the shell next to the other shells. Then return to the pyramid location, throw the potion into the cauldron. Next, you need to go through a puzzle in which only click on edible items. When you complete it, go to the location of the communication center. Here you need to attach the screw to the plane, place the picture in a frame, put the microphone next to the others and plant the cactus in a pot. At this point, you will have parts of the map that need to be assembled into a single one. Then place the disk from the telephone in the telephone set.
Step 2
Level 2. Go to the medical center. Find a green bottle and place it next to the blue one. Then return the grate to the vent and complete the puzzle repeating the sequence shown. Next, look for a sneaker and put it next to the second one. Place the cork on the glass bottle on the cabinet. Hang the hat you have found on a hanger next to another hat. Then go to the headman's house. There you need to place a bump above the door, where the same ones are already hanging. Put the yin-yang symbol on the whistle that hangs on the wall. Place the plate with others. Attach the valve to the tap. Put the brush next to the same. Turn the tap valve with a wrench so that the water flows. Go to the hunter's house. Find a glass and place with a bottle. Place the roses in a vase on the table. Place the stools together. Put the bottle in a box with others and get glue, which you need to glue the horns to the wall. Place the found horn next to the glued horns.
Step 3
Level 3. Visit the location with the statues. Collect all the parts of the statues there into one figure, after which the caches will open. Attach the found head to the statue. Place the tambourine, mask, fan and pineapple next to the same items. Move on to the jungle at the watering hole. Look for the page and put it on the typewriter. Put an orange, a ball and a glove with other similar things. Then the pointer must be placed on a stone slab. A puzzle will appear, for the passage of which you need to click on the buttons that match the location of the pointers. Then go to the waterfall. Look for a lid and a cup and pair them with similar items. Attach your head to the statue. Place a slab on top of the stone. Break the mirror with a hammer. Now go into the cave. Place the disc in the hole. Put coconut, book and jug with similar items. Throw the cup into the chest. Hang the crystal from the ceiling. Click on the glowing circle that marks the entrance to the cave. A puzzle will appear where you need to connect images from the outer and inner circle.
Step 4
Level 4. In the warehouse, put cheese, a can, a melon next to the same items. Attach the wire to the adapter and press the switch. Put the mushrooms together and get cheese, which must be given to the mouse. Complete the puzzle by finding the exit from the maze. Go to the boat shop, where the canister is folded with the others, the saws and the circular saw are folded together. Apply the monkey wrench to the other. Go to the pier, where the found bow, watermelon and rope are folded with similar items. Hang the bell in place and ring it to scare the butterfly. Then we go to the boat workshop. Use a screwdriver to detach the cover. Put the gear in place and solve the puzzle. Click on the switch, raise the crane. Return to the dock and hang the door hinge on the door there.