Secrets Of The Game Happy Farmer

Secrets Of The Game Happy Farmer
Secrets Of The Game Happy Farmer

In the game "Happy Farmer" you can plant seeds, harvest crops from different crops, take care of animals and get profit from it. Popularity points and play money are awarded for each action. All points earned are summed up, upon reaching a certain rating, the next level becomes available, which opens up new opportunities.

Happy Farmer
Happy Farmer

In this game, at each level, new tasks appear, in order to successfully complete them, plan your actions in advance. If the task is to buy animals and decorations, then do not rush to spend money on decorating the farm, but buy animals first. Chickens, bulls and other livestock will grow up and make a profit, then with the money earned, you can buy decor, that is, fences, flower beds. The secret of this game is that first you need to work harder and invest in animals and crops, and only then decorate the farm.

Plant crops

For each action in the game, a unit of energy is spent, which is replenished over time or when eating. If you don't have enough accumulated food, then do not rush to plant the entire farm with crops that ripen quickly. One of the secrets of the game is that energy is spent on harvesting, if there is a shortage of it, you will not be able to collect the fruits in time, they will wither. If you lose your crop, you will spend irretrievably money on the purchase of seeds. Crops that ripen for a long time (more than 12 hours) are more expensive, but they also bring greater profits.

Do not forget to weed empty areas of the farm from weeds, but keep in mind the fact that you come across tasks to "remove the weed". Therefore, it is better to fence a small area where weed species will grow randomly, and the fence will not allow them to spread to the entire farm.

When you reach a new level, you will have the opportunity to buy more interesting crops that are more expensive, but give more points and revenue.

Take care of animals

Buying livestock, you spend a lot of money, but they quickly pay off. Animals need to be fed after a certain time so that they grow up. If you do not have enough energy for this action, then you can feed them later, that is, without food, the cattle does not die, but waits in the wings.

The secret to a successful game lies in your frugality. If you sell animals, you will receive less money than you spent on buying them, so calculate your actions in advance. You are guaranteed success in the game if you collect eggs, wool and other goods from animals more often.

The more often you visit your farm and do more useful actions on it, the higher your rating, the more money and points earned. With the transition to the next level, the assortment of animals in the store expands. Buying new interesting animals opens up the prospect for greater collection of bonuses and the accumulation of funds.


The farm is often visited by uninvited guests, so take care of the caretakers. A dog will help you to protect birds and livestock from predators. Do not forget to feed the dog and take care of the booth. The more active the dog is, the more predators it will help drive away. Use a scarecrow to protect planted seeds from birds. The secret to the effectiveness of the scarecrow lies in frequent dressing up. You can buy all the necessary clothes for him in the store.