How Can You Make A Website From Scratch

How Can You Make A Website From Scratch
How Can You Make A Website From Scratch

Having your own website helps you share your thoughts and ideas with the whole world. Building a website can seem daunting, especially if you've never done it before. However, this is not a difficult job, you just need to have a clear algorithm of actions and strictly adhere to it.

How can you make a website from scratch
How can you make a website from scratch

Site theme

Before making your own website from scratch, you need to decide what exactly you are going to put on your site, what its theme will be. Think about what comes to your mind when you talk about the Internet? Business? Communication? Blogs? Determine the direction in which you will be working. For example, if you are a fan of a music group, you can create a website dedicated to it, as well as add a chat or forum to communicate with other fans. If you like to always be aware of the events taking place in the world, create your own news aggregator, replenishing it with information from open sources.

Content type

The Internet site can contain information of various types. You need to determine what exactly should be present on your site. For example, if you are creating a portal dedicated to a music group, you may need to consider hosting music or video files. Such information can be stored both on its own server and integrated from third-party resources, for example, from Youtube. In addition, the site may contain special applications (widgets) that help track statistics of visits, embed clocks and calendars, organize chats, etc.

Development tools

To create Internet sites, the hypertext markup language HTML is used. If you are not familiar with this language, you can use special applications that allow you to create web pages using familiar operations (dragging and dropping pictures, formatting text, etc.). Such programs include, for example, Adobe Dreamweaver. The downside is that you have to think about the appearance of your site on your own and if you are not a designer, difficulties can arise. This problem can be solved by using the templates available on the Internet, however, without making your own changes to them, you risk getting a site of the same type, merging with many other similar sites.

A good way to build a website from scratch is to use a content management system like Joomla or Wordoress. They help to greatly simplify the work on the project, but they require preliminary study.

Domain and hosting

To host a ready-made website on the Internet, you need to purchase a domain name and select a hosting provider that will host your website. The cost of services from different companies can differ quite significantly, but there is always an opportunity to choose the optimal service rate, which contains only the options you need. Some companies offer to save on a domain name by providing it for free if you purchase hosting for a certain period of time.

Site testing

Test your site before hosting it. Check for ease of navigation, broken links, page design errors (for example, missing certain tags), etc. At this stage, it is best to ask your friends for help. They will have a fresh perspective on your work and help you spot mistakes that you might have missed.

Be sure to keep a record of any errors found and fix them before publishing the site.

Hosting a website

Having finished creating the site and checking it for errors, you can start hosting the site and displaying it, thus, for public viewing. Most hosting providers offer their own FTP transfer tools for this. You can also use third-party apps like CyberDuck or FileZilla.
