Personal pages are most often informative in nature and do not bring any benefit to the author other than informing the user about something. In order for the site to be profitable, you need to add such information to the site, for the placement of which they would pay. Another option to make money is to offer paid services or unique content right on the site.

Step 1
Place targeted ads in side blocks and other places that do not interfere with normal website browsing. The audience will not decrease, and a few extra clicks will bring some profit. It is better if the ad placement service supports integration with search engines and user accounts on the site (that is, ads will be shown only those that are interesting to the visitor, respectively, the number of clicks will be higher).
Step 2
Use file storage services and partner programs provided by them if you have unique content on your site, and the load on the server when downloading is blocking access to the site. Payment is made for a thousand downloads, so this method should be used only if the daily audience of the site is at least 6-8 thousand people (unique, but not necessary - the same person can view several advertising banners and download several different files) …
Step 3
Register on sites of affiliate programs offering link exchange from online directories. This method should be used on a site with an audience of more than 10 thousand people, since links from directories are specific and targeted at experienced web users. True, this method is one of the most reliable options for making a profit on the site, because a loyal audience and professional users prefer to click on a link with a topic of interest to them, rather than walking on dubious sites that are so actively promoted through ordinary advertisements.
Step 4
Publish a link to the site in one of the bookmark repositories to increase traffic and inform users about the created site. The increase will not be noticeable immediately, so it is better to use the services of at least three dozen different directories of links and bookmarks.