How To Link To The Site

How To Link To The Site
How To Link To The Site

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A link is a site url or a pointer to a document with an html extension. The link can be with or without the www prefix. This prefix does not play a special role for the user.

How to link to the site
How to link to the site


Step 1

Each browser has an address bar and, accordingly, it contains the website address. It is easily copied like regular text. Select the address (in the upper line of the browser), right-click (right mouse button) and copy. Or you can use the hotkey Ctrl + C. The address is now stored on the clipboard and can be pasted into any text field.

Step 2

Depending on where you want to post the link, you will have to apply different methods. In IM clients (ICQ, Skype), you must put the prefix https:// in front of the site address for the link to be clickable (active). To insert a link in a letter, click on the "Insert link" icon and in the dialog box that appears, enter the site address. After clicking on the OK button, you will see the already active link. If you want to insert it on a forum or bulletin board, then you need to use special html-tags or bb-code.

Step 3

HTML is a language for marking up text on the Internet. But, unlike the Microsoft Word text editor, text formatting occurs using special words - descriptors (tags). They are enclosed in angle brackets, for example, Microsoft Official Site. From this entry, you can see that each tag has a start and an end. be sure to write. Otherwise, the tag will not work. The text must be strictly between the two tags, otherwise the link will not be visible. BB-CODE is very similar to HTML, but it uses square brackets instead of angle brackets. For example, , where there are also two tags (opening and closing), the link to the site is given in the opening tag after the equal sign, the text is written between the two tags. Create a link using the above sample and paste it into a forum post. As a result, only the inscription between the two tags will be visible, and it will contain a link to the site.
