How To Link A Link

How To Link A Link
How To Link A Link

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Link anchoring usually means the use of a graphic file in the.jpg,

How to link a link
How to link a link


Step 1

There are two main options for linking a link to a picture. Which one is easier, it is difficult to determine, when choosing, you can be guided only by your own preferences and the characteristics of the site on which you are placing the link. For example, this is the first version of the picture-link: After the letters “www”, insert the site address and the address of the picture, respectively. Be sure to check that the code is correct before saving the post page. To do this, turn on the preview mode or "Visual editor". The first option is better, since you can check not only the correctness of the image address, but also the working state of the link to another site.

Step 2

Often the following HTML tag is used when linking a link: With this design, the transition to a new page occurs when you click on the picture, and a new page opens in the same window.

Step 3

To make the link open in a new window, slightly transform the code. Add one more tag after the page address. As a result, the anchored link will look like this: text

Step 4

And this is not the limit. You can add a small comment that will appear when you hover over the drawing. Use the site description or its subject as a comment. Tags expand to the following: text
