What To Do If A Page On Odnoklassniki Is Blocked For Spam

What To Do If A Page On Odnoklassniki Is Blocked For Spam
What To Do If A Page On Odnoklassniki Is Blocked For Spam

In our time, there are hardly any people left who do not use social networks. Someone only communicates with their help, someone does business. In the case of mass mailing of messages or invitations, the account may be blocked for spam.

What to do if a page on Odnoklassniki is blocked for spam
What to do if a page on Odnoklassniki is blocked for spam

What is spam

Spam is unwanted messages, for example, unsolicited advertisements, annoying invitations to join some groups, and so on. Sending spam is a serious violation of the Site Regulations and may lead to the blocking of the user profile sending such messages.

If spam is sent on your behalf, it means that the attackers were able to gain access to your profile - they learned your username and password. If you can log into your profile on Odnoklassniki, change your password immediately (you can do this in the More menu -> Change settings -> Password).

Why is my profile blocked?

Your profile can be blocked for two reasons:

- on suspicion of hacking;

- for violation of the terms of use of the site.

How to restore access to the site

If your profile is often hacked, most likely you have a virus on your computer. Update your antivirus (this is important!) And check your computer thoroughly.

If your profile was blocked on suspicion of hacking, you can restore it using your mobile phone or go through verification by correctly guessing the names of 5 of your friends.

Please note that if you cannot recognize all your friends from the photo, a second recovery will be possible only after a few hours.

If you have become a victim of cybercriminals, contact the Support Service with a detailed description of the problem, specifying the following profile information:

- login;

- age;

- First Name Last Name;

- country and city;

- link to profile (or profile ID);

- phone number;

- E-mail address.

Please note that if you deliberately violate the terms of use of the site, the Support Service will not be able to restore your profile.

What to do if you receive spam

We kindly ask you not to communicate with users sending spam, even with the best intentions - you risk losing your profile!

The best thing to do when you receive unsolicited messages is to add the user who sent them to the "black list" and report spam to the administration.

What to do when friends receive invitations to games that I have not sent

ID is your unique identifier on Odnoklassniki. If you know your ID, this greatly increases the chances that the support specialists will be able to quickly restore access to your profile.

Perhaps, third parties got access to your profile, and they sent invitations to your friends on your behalf. For security reasons, we recommend that you immediately change the password for your profile on Odnoklassniki and the password for your email.

Here are two simple steps to help you prevent these situations from recurring:

- following the links on Odnoklassniki, always check the address bar of your browser. The site address always contains the domain odnoklassniki.ru (or odnoklassniki.ua). If the link leads outside the site - never indicate on it your username and password from Odnoklassniki;

- periodically check your computer with a fresh version of the anti-virus program.
