What Is A Browser On A Computer

What Is A Browser On A Computer
What Is A Browser On A Computer

One of the most popular types of programs that exist at the moment are browsers. Browsers are installed on virtually every personal computer, laptop, netbook, tablet and smartphone, since it is through this program that the user can access the Internet.


Browser operation

Any browser is a computer program that allows the owner of a personal PC (or any other device with Internet access) to view web pages, web documents, files and directories, as well as use the services of search engines. Initially, the browser was a program that allows users to exchange text and tabular information, then the famous Mosaic program appeared, with the help of which it was possible to transfer graphic files and display them on a large screen without closing windows with other software.

For computers with preinstalled Windows systems of different generations, the built-in browser is Internet Explorer, and Safari works automatically on all Apple devices. Android tablets and phones are sold with Google Chrome preinstalled. All other software of this kind is distributed free of charge on the Internet.

When choosing a browser for working on the Internet, it is worth evaluating the technical characteristics (the amount of RAM that the program occupies), as well as convenience, responsiveness and action. There are several leading programs at the moment.

Browsers from different developers

The most famous browser made so by its binding in Windows is Internet Explorer. Unfortunately, despite the appearance of new versions, IE remains a rather slow and inconvenient program through which other browsers are usually downloaded and then removed from the computer.

Google Chrome from the Google search engine is a lightweight and convenient program, the most versatile of all. Can be installed on any device other than Apple products. "Chrome" is reliable and does not actually freeze with a fairly large number of open pages, moreover, it does not interfere when working in graphic editors and other "heavy" programs. The Russian analogue of Chrome is the Yandex Browser, which can be downloaded from the official website of the Yandex search engine.

Mozilla Firefox is a user-friendly browser with many plugins and add-ons, as well as the ability to install related programs (for example, the Mozilla Thunderbird mail client). Unfortunately, at the moment it is very inferior in speed to such programs as Chrome and Yandex Browser, but it is still quite popular.

Opera was the only paid (until 2005) program for Internet access. At the moment, this browser is almost never used due to the rather slow loading of sites, however, before the advent of Mozilla, it was considered the best software of this type.
