How To Enable Vpn On Your Phone In Yandex Browser

How To Enable Vpn On Your Phone In Yandex Browser
How To Enable Vpn On Your Phone In Yandex Browser

VPN is a pretty useful and up-to-date tool for many users. It is necessary for banal visits to resources that do not apply to the whole world due to the local domain. And if it is not difficult to configure it on the version of Yandex Browser on a PC, then problems may arise on the mobile version.

How to enable vpn on your phone in Yandex browser
How to enable vpn on your phone in Yandex browser

Choosing a VPN via Opera or Google

Unfortunately, there is no built-in VPN function in Yandex Browser, so additional resources are needed, in conjunction with which a VPN connection will be created. Programs that connect to a proxy server can be paid or free, and you can install them either through the developer's official website or through the Opera or Google extension store.

To install VPN software through Opera, you must first go to a store called Opera Addons. Then in the "Search Add-ons" window you need to enter the word VPN.


Below you will see a list of plugins that will allow you to change the user's IP address. They can be either paid or free. After selecting one of the programs, you need to click on the three dots in the lower right corner, and then on "Version on PC".


It is much easier to install a VPN program through the Google extension store if we consider it with a specific example - the "VNP Hola" extension.

You just need to go to the extension store page and enter the name of the program in the search bar, respectively.


Then go to the product page and click on the blue "Install" button.


The program itself is very user-friendly and has a pleasant interface. It is very easy to change the IP address. You just need to click on the extension icon, after opening, click on the flag of the country where the server is located through which the current connection is made, and then select the desired one from the list.


Through the official website of the developer

It is possible to download a program for connecting a VPN from the developer's website to the phone, if the latter allows it. VNP Hola, for example, provides this opportunity. To install it from the official web portal, you must first visit it and then click on the orange button "Get Hola. It's free!"


After installation, the extension will automatically appear in Yandex Browser, and you can use it absolutely free.

But "VNP Hola" is not the only free program that can be installed this way. For example, to download "Browces" - a multifunctional VPN with additional features, you must also go to their web portal. Under the "Install Browsec" window, you need to select either Yandex Browser or the Android logo - there won't be much difference, and the extension will work in either of the two cases.


After clicking, the file will automatically download. After the process is complete, you need to open it and, if the Android logo was selected at startup, then you need to install Yandex Browser by default.

You can view all installed add-ons by following the link browser: // tune-frame / (you need to insert the address bar and press Enter).
