A domain or domain name, as well as such a concept as a URL, is the name and address of a website on the Internet. The domain record has the form "www.domain_name.zone_domain". It is enough to look at the address bar of the browser to find out the domain of the site you are interested in.

Step 1
The address bar is located at the very top of any browser, be it Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or any other browser. For example, the site www.kakprosto.ru is a domain. A domain name can be written with or without the WWW abbreviation at the beginning.
Step 2
In fact, everything does not work as easy as it seems. The addressing of all computers in the global network is recorded using special addresses of 4-12 digits - IP. The numbers are divided into 4 groups of one, two or three numbers, for example Each site has its own IP, and domain names are invented for the convenience of typing the site address, otherwise you would have to remember the numerical value of each URL. Also, since one computer or server can only have one IP address at a time, it would not be possible to host multiple sites at the same time. With the advent of domains, this problem was solved, and so-called "hosting services" appeared.
Step 3
From a professional point of view, a domain is not a URL, but the zone in which the site is located or the category to which it belongs. The domain zone is registered after the last dot in the site address. So,. RU means the site belongs to the Russian Federation. The materials on such a site are written in Russian. Domains such as. DE (Germany),. US (USA),. UA (Ukraine),. UK (UK),. KZ (Kazakhstan),. IT (Italy) and other domain zones indicate the language of the site and the country … The list of national domains can be found on Wikipedia:
Step 4
There are also domains indicating the type of organization:. EDU (Education),. MIL (Army),. ORG (Nonprofit Organization),. COM (Commercial Organization),. GOV (Government),. BIZ (Business),. TV (Television) and so on. There is also the. NET domain zone, which originally represented a network of sites, the so-called intranet, and later moved to the Internet.