Online fraud is not uncommon. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to know what schemes they use to get our money or information.

Step 1
The most common scheme is fake emails. Usually, mass mailing is used, but there are also single letters. They can be used to retrieve information such as the date of birth or the mother's maiden name. This information is subsequently used to hack the account.
Step 2
In addition to receiving data, such letters may contain various recommendations for making easy money. For example, they can write to you that by putting money into an account, you will be returned an amount that will be more than five times, only you need to specify a special password in the note. Of course, there can be no magic increase in money.
Step 3
Another very common scheme is pseudo communication on forums. For example, you are looking for some hard-to-find file. This opens a forum thread in which the user is looking for the same thing. The admin throws off a link to him and says that there you just need to receive an SMS. Then there are the rave reviews and many thanks. However, in fact, you will only send money to the attacker, and you will not receive the file.
Step 4
Sale of various passwords to closed sites and paid programs. They are quite expensive, and scammers offer to buy the necessary information for ridiculous money (usually $ 1-5). Many users take such a bait and send their hard-earned money. Of course, they don't receive any passwords. The maximum is an automatically generated cipher that is available on free sites.
Step 5
Recently, the scheme of making money in online casinos has become popular. Like, if you work according to a simple scheme, then you can get several thousand dollars a day. It's no secret that they only enrich the owners of such resources. However, many inexperienced users take these schemes at face value and place bets, often rather big.
Step 6
Particular attention should be paid to scammers who operate under the guise of online stores. They offer products for really ridiculous prices and only work on a prepaid basis. They usually explain the low cost by the fact that the customer will pay for the delivery.
Step 7
First, always check the reviews left for such resources. Secondly, compare prices with other online stores, they shouldn't be very different. Thirdly, look at the lifetime of the site, if it is only a few days old, and there are a lot of enthusiastic reviews and not a single negative one, then it is better to refrain from buying.
Step 8
Another common type of fraud is carding, that is, the illegal use of someone else's bank cards. There are many ways to obtain personal data - from fake sites to personal calls. For example, they may call you, introduce yourself as a bank employee and ask for the data indicated on the card. This should not be done under any circumstances. Do not disclose the personal data of your card to anyone, if you do not want to lose all your funds.