The Avito classifieds website is very popular and has millions of users all over the country. Accordingly, a wide variety of fraud methods are also popular on this site. It is easy to avoid cheating on Avito, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the most common methods.

The most common type of fraud on Avito is fraud associated with making a prepayment to a bank card. And the victims of this deception are both buyers and sellers. The first ones trustingly “are led” on the low cost of the goods, the fraudulent sellers of which offer them to immediately transfer part of the money to the card (or to one of the electronic payment systems) so that the goods do not “go away”. In most cases, especially if the amount of the prepayment made is significant, you have to look for these sellers through law enforcement agencies. Victims who have lost insignificant sums, as a rule, sigh heavily and, with the thought: "I will be smarter next time," do not go anywhere.
The method of deceiving Avito sellers through prepayment is also widespread. Rather, through the alleged desire to produce it. If a buyer, wishing to purchase a product, begins to insist on making a prepayment to a bank card, this should alert. Usually, the number and surname, name, patronymic of the cardholder are enough to deposit money on the card. Fraudulent buyers are interested in, in addition to this data, also the expiration date and the three-digit code on the magnetic side of the card. The code and expiration date of the card must never be disclosed to anyone. This is the surest way to lose all the funds on the card. The main contingent of those who fell for this trick are young mothers who sell things at Avito, from which their babies grew up.
Another way of fraud is getting rich for those who want to find a job. If the applicant is asked to pay for training courses, materials, entry into the database, or something else - you can safely stop communicating with such an employer - these are scammers.
Closes the rating of fraud methods on Avito, a method of fraud in real estate transactions. In this case, potential buyers of real estate and those wishing to rent a room can also suffer. The former, as a rule, dazzled by their excellent qualities and stunningly low prices, make the usual prepayment in sales and purchase transactions. The latter usually turn out to be deceived at the stage of concluding a preliminary contract for the selection of real estate and making an advance payment for the services planned to be provided. Thus, the main recommendations for Avito users who do not want to get caught in the network of scammers will be as follows:
- never disclose confidential bank card details to anyone;
- avoid making an advance payment;
- if you cannot avoid making an advance payment, carefully check where exactly you are going to transfer your hard-earned money.