How To Delete Message History In Icq

How To Delete Message History In Icq
How To Delete Message History In Icq

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During your communication with the interlocutor, ICQ creates an archive of the dialogue, storing absolutely every message in it. If you wish, you can view this archive and delete it if necessary.

How to delete message history in icq
How to delete message history in icq


Computer, internet access


Step 1

Remarkable is the fact that you can delete the history of messages in icq with a specific person, and the entire archive of correspondence as a whole. To do this, you do not need to have special intelligence, everything is done in a couple of clicks. Let's look at an example of each option for deleting message history.

Step 2

Deleting the entire history of messages in ICQ. After launching the program on your computer, you should wait until it is fully loaded. As soon as this happens, you will see the main menu of the application, which will display your contact list. At the top of this window, you need to click on the "Menu" button. A drop-down list will open, in which you should go to the "History" tab. By clicking on this tab, you will find yourself in the message history window. To completely delete the entire archive of correspondence, click on the "All contacts" button located in the left part of the window. On the right side of it, you will see the trash can icon, by clicking on which, you will completely delete the entire history.

Step 3

Deleting the history of correspondence with a specific person. As in the previous case, you need to follow the previously described steps to enter the message history section. Once in this section, find the nickname of the person whose message history you want to delete and click on it. An archive of messages with this contact will appear. To delete your chat history, use the trash can icon, which will remain in the same place.
