One of the main parameters by which the quality of the Internet is determined is its speed. When you connect to the Internet, your provider indicates in the contract the speed that he undertakes to supply you. If your provider fulfills its obligations in full, then you cannot have any complaints about the quality of your Internet. If the speed does not suit you, the films are broadcast with delays, the pages open for a long time - there is a reason to check the real speed of your Internet connection. Here's how to do it.

You will need to use a special service to determine the incoming and outgoing Internet speed. At the moment, many sites provide such a free service. But for the first time, you can check the speed using the "I'm on the Internet!" Service provided by the well-known company Yandex
Step 1
Before measuring the actual speed, make sure that your computer is free of viruses and other malware that can significantly slow down the Internet. Run your antivirus in full and wait until it finishes working. If the computer is clean, you can proceed to the next step. If the antivirus has detected pests, remove them from your PC and run the antivirus again in express mode in order to finally make sure that everything is in order.
Step 2
After checking, disable antiviruses, antispyware, firewalls, torrent clients and all other network programs installed on your PC.
Step 3
Then go to the "Network Connections" folder and right-click on the "Status" button. This way, you will be able to assess what the network activity of your PC is. If the number of received / sent packets is the same - everything is fine, if their number is constantly growing - it means either there is a virus in your PC, or you forgot to turn off some network program. Check these two positions again.
Step 4
Go to the Yandex website, go to the service page "I'm on the Internet!" to the address real at the given moment of time incoming and outgoing speed.