How To Send Files Online

How To Send Files Online
How To Send Files Online

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Today, you can download almost everything from the Internet (necessary manuals, favorite music, new films, etc.). To copy large files to your computer, you need a high-speed connection or the availability of the "Local Area Network" service.

How to send files online
How to send files online


DC ++ software


Step 1

Recently, films distributed on Blue-Ray discs are gaining popularity. You probably know that video files of this format take up a large amount of free disk space. If there is a connection from 2 to 8 Mbps, such a movie will be copied for more than one hour, but much more. Therefore, in this case, it is better to use a local network to send or receive a file.

Step 2

If you are just planning to connect to a particular provider, check out its tariff options. It is recommended to use the additional option "Local network" on any tariff plan. Many providers include this option when using any unlimited plan.

Step 3

For quick and correct use of a local network, you must use one of the DC discharge programs created for exchanging data in networks. The most used utility of this kind today is the DC ++ client. You can always find out the advanced settings of this client in the technical support service of your provider or on the forum, which is an attachment to the official website.

Step 4

In the program itself, you need to specify the directories, the information inside which will be considered common and it can be "shared". What is this concept of "sharing"? The root of the word comes from the English word share - to share. You share your files and folders i.e. send them to the network, where you can download files and directories of other users on the local network.

Step 5

Also in the program you can find out your network address. With its help, you can share any information on the forum of your provider, if such a section is provided, or with the users of this provider (friends, acquaintances and colleagues).
