“What is Twitter for? What is Twitter? Such questions can often be heard from people who are not particularly versed in modern Internet technologies. But even many people who are familiar with social networks and have accounts on Facebook or Vkontakte often do not understand what is so attractive about Twitter.

In simple terms, Twitter is a microblogging. The main function of microblogging is to send instant messages in which users share their thoughts with the whole world. The most interesting feature of Twitter is that updates to this blog (tweets) cannot exceed 140 characters. Brevity is the soul of wit! Can you express your thought in such a concise form? It is this restriction on signs that distinguishes Twitter from other social networks.
In fact, microblogging is an ideal invention for people who want to share their adventures with the world, but at the same time, do not want to go into details. Sometimes you have no desire to indulge in lengthy explanations, as many LiveJournal users do. I just want to say, "I went to the store for a shirt, but I didn't choose anything," or "I watched a movie and cried."
You can send messages on Twitter to one person, a group of users, or send personal updates to your friends. You can publish public or private messages that only the addressee will see. Your own page can also be public or open only to friends.
If you do not have a Twitter account yet, you can register on the site in a matter of seconds for free. Just fill out the registration form with your email address and password. The creators of the network recommend using real names so that your friends will recognize your page. However, many users prefer a more creative approach. By registering, you can personalize your page by uploading your photo and choosing an interesting background.
After registering, send your friends your Twitter address. It usually looks like this: twitter.com/your name. For example, if you chose the alias Ghost for yourself, then your address will look like twitter.com/Ghost. In order to follow other Twitter users, you need to go to their page and click on the follow button.
So what is Twitter for? Twitter is a unique resource for chatting with friends, which allows you to stay up to date with everything that is happening in the world. Many celebrities, television channels, clubs, universities maintain their own Twitter pages, informing their followers of interesting news. Many companies use Twitter as a channel to promote certain services or products. Join the Twitter family and stay updated!