Earnings Online "Vkontakte"

Earnings Online "Vkontakte"
Earnings Online "Vkontakte"

The social network Vkontakte is very popular in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries. It is on this site that many people communicate and have fun online. But in addition to entertainment, "Vkontakte" can make money online. Consider the existing ways to make money on this social network.

Earnings online "Vkontakte"
Earnings online "Vkontakte"

Earnings on games

Here you have two options: create a new game that will become very popular on Vkontakte, or use what is already there. For example, you can start promoting an existing app for a reward. In many games, you can become an online chat moderator.

And if you decide to create an online game, then you need to have some knowledge of programming. Although, of course, this is a more profitable way of making money through Vkontakte.

Now you have created your own game. Then you can make money on it by temporary branding. This is when some other company will PR using your game for a certain time.

Vkontakte clicks

Take part in polls, polls, post certain news on the wall of your Vkontakte account, join groups and subscribe to publics. In general, you need to do everything that many people do for free. There are plenty of services that pay for these actions, here are some of them:

  • viral marketing exchange Sarafanka;
  • ForumOK service;
  • SMMKA service;
  • Smook likes exchange;
  • VKTarget advertising exchange.

Just do not expect fabulous earnings there. Such earnings on the Internet, of course, are more suitable for schoolchildren and simply in the form of entertainment, bringing in a few extra rubles.

Vkontakte community"

Here you already have a chance to earn more without investments. Create an open group or public. The group must have at least 500 unique visitors per day. Let there be more than 1000 subscribers and go ahead - start making money on Vkontakte! Advertising exchanges will pay you 70-100 rubles for the posted news. Of course, again, the popularity of the group should be at the level of 1000 or more people. Examples of such exchanges are Sociate.ru and Trendio.

You can make an online store from a group. This is also a great income without investment. Or make money on affiliate programs. Anyway, you can sell the well-promoted Vkontakte group later!

Here is the answer to the question - how to make money on Vkontakte. Choose an option and try it! After all, the popular social network has already become a part-time job for many, and for some, a place of permanent work!
