Internet communication has become commonplace for many people. And one of the most popular methods is the ICQ program, or "ICQ". It is popular, in demand, and often attracts unwanted scammers' attention.

If you were able to register your original ICQ number, it automatically becomes a potential victim of theft. This is especially often the case when the number is beautiful, that is, it has all the same digits, two alternating numbers, or the number is ascending or descending. Such interesting "ICs" very often fall prey to thieves.
How does this happen
The most common way to steal an ICQ number is when a user receives a message that he should look at some kind of link. Needless to say, a virus is already waiting for it on the other end of the network, stealing the password to access the messenger.
Sometimes the theft is done in a different way. There are special programs that can automatically select a suitable password via the Internet, and the fraudster becomes the owner of a beautiful number.
In some cases, it also happens that the owner of ICQ simply cannot or does not want to use the program for some time. Usually, if ICQ is not in demand for about six months, the system itself begins to assume that the number is no longer relevant and automatically cancels it. In this case, it is difficult to talk about outright theft. But don't be surprised if your messenger has a new owner.
The password to the number can also be obtained by means of obvious deception. When you receive a message allegedly from the support service, where they ask you to provide your ICQ login information for the purpose of repairing, updating databases or for other reasons. Gullible people are ready to lay out not only this on a silver platter.
What to do if trouble comes
If your ICQ has been taken away from you for a long time, you can forget about returning it under your own wing. On the other hand, there is also a very recent theft, which can be “uncovered” in hot pursuit. In this case, you should check the system for viruses and recover the password. You will receive an email with all the data. But only if the attackers did not manage to change the access credentials along with other data.
It also happens that the password can be tried to steal when you are online. It manifests itself in such a way that a fast series of outputs / inputs from and to ICQ begins. If repeated attempts to enter ICQ end in a similar failure, it's time to quickly change your password. If everything is done promptly, you will save your number.
And never accept links from unauthorized users. Configure anti-spam accordingly so that you can only be visited after a security question. And don't believe what tech support is talking to you. They usually do not go directly to users, and if there is an exception, they write letters.