The home page of the site is the first thing that qualifies for site indexing. Usually it looks like: www.sitename.prefix. For example, the main page of the current site: To make it easy to get to the first one from any page of the site, you can leave a link to this page on each page.
Step 1
Find out the exact address of the main page of the site. The simplest design of the link allows you to hide the address and explain in words to the visitor where he will go when the link is clicked: To main
Step 2
Use a picture instead of text. The tags are as follows: - when you hover over the picture, a comment will appear in the form of the phrase "Go to home". The main page will open in a new window. To open in the current one, remove the following tag: "target = _blank title=" ".
Step 3
Highlight the link and underline with color: Home page. In a specific tag, the text will be black and the underline will be white, the link text will be "Home". By replacing the words @black”,“white”and the link text, you will get a result that is more in line with the style of the site.
Step 4
Highlight the link text with a color and a colored border. Tags of such a decorative element: Home. You will get red text and a blue border 2 pixels from the text, also 2 pixels thick. Change the parameters as you see fit.