How To Find An Advertiser For Your Site

How To Find An Advertiser For Your Site
How To Find An Advertiser For Your Site

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Websites have almost ceased to be just information platforms. Today it is a meeting place for a potential client and a seller. But in order for them to know about each other, the seller must place an advertisement about his product or service on an Internet resource that may belong to you.

How to find an advertiser for your site
How to find an advertiser for your site


  • - computer;
  • - Internet connection;
  • - your promoted site.


Step 1

If you don't have your own resource yet, create it and start promoting it. Without stable daily traffic, advertising on your site will not be interesting to anyone, even for free. Your site should not only be visited, but with a specific theme and appropriate design.

Step 2

After your site has stable traffic, write a commercial offer for advertising on your resource. This letter should contain all the information about the traffic and topics of the Internet site, about who the visitor of your site is: gender, age, income. This information is necessary so that the advertiser can determine how interesting your target audience is to him. Also outline your pricing policy. If you do not have advertisers yet or there are few of them, you can make a free promotion for one month or one week.

Step 3

Go to sites of the same subject as yours and look at the banners or links installed there. Go to the advertiser's resource and already send the compiled commercial offer directly. To prevent your letter from being perceived as spam, do not use mailing lists. Write to each company individually. Even though it takes longer, your email is less likely to end up in the trash.

Step 4

You can find your clients through search engines. Just enter the required request and on the right side you will see a list of companies that pay for placing their information in contextual advertising.

Step 5

Invite an ad agency to look for clients for your site. In this case, you will have to give away some of the profits, but in this way you can give them the opportunity to set their own price so that your income does not decrease.

Step 6

Place information about the possibility of advertising on your resource on the home page of your site, and then the chances that some advertisers will turn to you will increase.
