How To Make Money Online Without Education

How To Make Money Online Without Education
How To Make Money Online Without Education

Table of contents:


If you have free time and a great desire to earn money on your own, but there is no education, then welcome to the Internet, there you will find the type of income you like.

How to make money online without education
How to make money online without education


Step 1

If you have a literate Russian language, start writing articles and selling them on labor exchanges (there are a great many of them now). If there are problems with the Russian language - not scary - you can learn everything, write articles daily. Do not be upset if moderators do not immediately accept them - train, gain experience, read articles of other copywriters, analyze. Find mistakes, listen to advice. In the end, you will definitely learn how to write articles.


Step 2

There are many sites where you can make money from clicks and likes - but this is more suitable for those who have no other talents or those who do not want to reveal their abilities.


Step 3

There are sites that offer earnings on social networks through advertising - the mission is not the brightest, but earnings are quite affordable.


Step 4

There are sites where you can make money by answering questions and giving advice to those in need. You probably have an area of life in which you are a specialist and your advice in this area may be useful to someone.
