The social network VKontakte has recently become insanely popular. Thousands of people around the world use it every minute. With the help of VKontakte, people not only keep in touch with their acquaintances and friends, but also earn money. If you want your profile on this network to generate income for you, first you need to make it popular. PR of accounts is often carried out using a set of likes on a photo and a post on the user's wall.

- - access to the Internet;
- - computer.
Step 1
To get likes on any post or photo, compose a short message, the text of which will contain approximately the following information: “Hello! Please look at the first post on my wall (or the main photo on my page) and like it. Thank you in advance! The content of the message may be completely different, it is important that the recipient understands exactly what you want to achieve from him.
Step 2
After the message is composed, copy it and send it to your friends. The number of people can be unlimited, but remember that you can be blocked for sending spam, so it is best to send different messages to your friends. It is not necessary to change the entire text, you can simply add an emoticon to the end of the message, or rearrange some words in the sentence.
Step 3
The next way to set VKontakte likes is spamming in any promoted community. Compose a message, the text of which will motivate users to view a particular post or photo of yours, as well as to rate it. Leave this message in the comments to any post in the group, the number of subscribers to which exceeds 100,000 people.
Step 4
The easiest way to wind up likes is to use a special application. An example would be a "Like Machine". Install this application, enter it and paste the link with the post or photo into the special window. Then you will only have to like other users, and they, in turn, will like you. Once you decide that the number of likes you have received is enough, you can simply exit the program. While the program is closed by you, the number of likes will stop increasing.