How To Get A Lot Of Likes On YouTube

How To Get A Lot Of Likes On YouTube
How To Get A Lot Of Likes On YouTube

Own YouTube channel provides the author with many opportunities: from self-expression to making serious profit. One of the main indicators of audience activity is the number of "likes" of videos delivered. However, it is quite difficult to collect them in large quantities.

How to get a lot of likes on YouTube
How to get a lot of likes on YouTube

The main principle that must be followed is the correspondence of the name to the content. That is, if your video is called “How to teach a parrot to speak,” you don’t just need to show your talking parrot. Users start watching videos in order to learn something for themselves, and not look at your result. Therefore, first think about what exactly users want to see, and only then start creating a video.

Increasing the number of loyal viewers

The more people see your video, the more "likes" you can get. However, if you publish versatile content without any topic, you are unlikely to be able to gather an interested audience. The main reason for subscribing users is the expectation of new such videos. Therefore, if you want to get a lot of likes, you will have to choose a topic. The most popular categories at the moment are humor and video games.

Give people new and interesting information. It should be something catchy, necessary and useful. Only then can you count on a large number of likes. Having decided on the topic, choose the main problems that your target audience may have, choose the right keywords and see how much this topic is covered on the Internet.

There are four options:

1. There is no answer on the Internet. Then create a video and try to reveal the topic as fully as possible;

2. There is an answer, but not exhaustive. Think about how you can complement the video and do it.

3. There is an answer, but in a different language. Remove the Russian version of the video or overlay the translation on the original;

4. The answer is only in the text version. You can take it as a basis and create your own video.


Another important element, without which it is difficult to get a lot of likes. People can watch your video, they will like it, but after watching it, they will simply close the page. This happens because they forget to put "like" or simply do not know about the existence of such a function. Therefore, in every video you need to use "hints".

This can be a personal message in the middle or at the end of the video. You cannot ask at first, since the user has not yet seen the video and cannot rate it. In the middle, you can ask to put "like" for some joke or action. The usual reminders are used at the end.

Likes can be used as incentives. For example, many well-known video bloggers shoot the first part of the video, and publish the second only if users are able to collect a certain number of "likes".
