How To Earn Webmoney

How To Earn Webmoney
How To Earn Webmoney

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The electronic payment system WebMoney is the leader in Internet banking in Russia. More than five million people have WebMoney wallet. The payment system money can either be spent on goods and services on the Internet, or withdrawn (in cash or to a bank account). How to earn WebMoney?

How to earn webmoney
How to earn webmoney


Step 1

The simplest way is bonus services that pay very little money (from penny to cent) for entering your WMID (personal system identifier) in the dialog box. So you can earn scanty money, but it can serve as a start in "Internet commerce". One of the well-known sponsors is 5 Kopeek (

Step 2

Another popular and low-income way of earning money is surfing Internet sites. On average, they pay about a cent for one page viewed. The sites themselves receive income from ad clicks (or impressions).

Step 3

If you want to earn more WebMoney, you can find yourself a job on the Internet. There are two main options - an independent search for customers and work on freelance exchanges. The most common professions of remote workers: copywriters (authors of texts), designers, programmers. Working on the exchange, it is easier to find orders, but their prices are also lower than with a free search. On the other hand, if you show yourself professionally and work hard, you can get a lot of reviews on the exchange and increase the value of your work.

Step 4

Creating your own website will allow you to expand the list of sources of electronic money in your wallet. You can earn WMR and WMZ on contextual advertising from Yandex and Google. Moreover, you can sell information or products on your resource. In order to receive WebMoney directly from buyers, you need to obtain a seller's certificate.
