How To Earn A Lot Of Silver In World Of Tanks Blitz

How To Earn A Lot Of Silver In World Of Tanks Blitz
How To Earn A Lot Of Silver In World Of Tanks Blitz

In order to get more money for a battle in the game World of Tanks, it is worth doing a basic calculation of income. Not everyone who takes part in the game knows on what conditions the credits are credited.

How to earn a lot of silver in world of tanks blitz
How to earn a lot of silver in world of tanks blitz

In WoT Blitz, the profitability will be determined depending on the silver received in battle. It can be earned by performing tactical maneuvers. After that, the currency is multiplied by the technology level. If a victory is won, the amount will be multiplied again using a certain coefficient.

What is the accrual of silver for

In the battle of world of tanks blitz, silver can be awarded for various actions. Depending on the degree of damage the player inflicted on the enemy, credits will be credited to his account. When an ammunition rack is ignited or exploded, the consumption of shells is less, which means that less silver will be spent on replenishing the ammunition. If, however, a lot of mistakes were made during the conduct of the battle, it will not be possible to get silver, but you will still have to spend money on replenishing the ammunition load.

If the tank is destroyed, the player will not receive any income. But such actions will lead to an increase in the number of enemies. Only the actual damage incurred is taken into account.

Credits can be earned by taking the base. They are awarded in this case, regardless of how many points are scored. If the enemy missed the health reduction and is not detected, or the circumstances are favorable, it makes sense to carry out an operation to capture the base.

When the combat effectiveness is calculated, the indicator corresponding to a specific battle will be multiplied by the tank coefficient. It will be separate for each of the technical units. Premium vehicles initially have an increased indicator. If the player has a premium account, the final amount will be multiplied by an additional 50%.

To increase earnings, it is worth doing the following:

  • Shoot down caterpillars to enemies.
  • Use equipment sparingly.
  • Complete combat missions.
  • Reduce the purchase of ammunition.
  • Play the game for damage.

How to Save Earned Silver

After summing up the results, a considerable amount of silver is obtained, but it is far from being received at the player's disposal in full. To fix this, you need to save money. For example, you should learn how to pierce enemies with armor-piercing shells.

You can get by with the very minimum of ammunition. Of all the types, you should definitely spend only on fuel, and then in cases where mobility is low. For high-speed equipment, you do not need to spend money on buying fuel. But players usually think that in the absence of ammunition, any enemy can easily cause irreparable harm. In fact, the differences turn out to be small, but the net income will receive a noticeable increase.

Do not miss out on additional opportunities to earn extra money. To do this, it is necessary to perform various combat missions, do not neglect the opening of containers that appear daily. Such actions will not be able to immediately bring fabulous profits, but in the case of regular execution, they give a good increase.
