The social network "VKontakte" has existed since 2006 and is gaining more and more popularity. And one of the ways to express your individuality for a person registered in this network is to select a suitable avatar that would comply with the rules of the resource.

Step 1
Observe the rules that the VKontakte social network imposes on users when uploading avatars. Since the resource policy provides for the registration of pages of real people, everyone should post their real photo. However, in practice, you can put an abstract drawing or photo as an avatar. In this case, you only run the risk of users flagging your page as allegedly untrue. In this case, when searching, it will be displayed at the end of the list. They can block you only if the image is openly obscene or contains extremist slogans.
Step 2
When posting your real image, choose a photo that shows your face in close-up. It is advisable to choose single rather than group shots. This will make it easier for the visitor to your page to understand what you look like. The photo must be high enough resolution to look sharp. Image configuration can be any - both horizontal and vertical shots are suitable.
Step 3
Customize your avatar if desired. For this, there are many different programs that can be downloaded or used online. For example, one of the programs is posted on the resource. You can make a frame for your photo, for example, indicating the VIP status, which is not actually assigned to users. Also, using the program, you can make a collage by combining several photos into one image. For additional effect, you can process the photo in Photoshop, for example, change the appearance of the photo with a sepia effect.