Working as a copywriter at home is one of the most popular and affordable ways to make money on the Internet. To start a career as a copywriter, you need just a little - a computer with an Internet connection, a good knowledge of the language in which you will write, the ability to express your thoughts harmoniously.

Copywriting for beginners
The Internet industry is developing, a huge number of new sites appear every day that need advertising and informational texts. To prevent the existing site from getting lost on the Internet, the text content must be constantly updated on it. These circumstances contribute to the growth of demand for copywriting services. If you want to join the army of freelancers, start with a small educational program - there is a lot of information on the Internet to help a novice webwriter.
Before starting remote work as a copywriter, study the materials about what types of texts are, what is uniqueness and what programs to check it. Start your first steps to the top of copywriting by writing paid reviews and comments on resources like Irecommend, Qcomment, and the like. It is a good practice to develop your writing skills and your ability to express your thoughts in writing.
The next step is to register on open exchanges such as Advego, Etext. They have tasks for beginners that are inexpensively paid, but the requirements for them are minimal. Performing tasks well, you gain experience, create your own portfolio, and develop a positive rating that will help you get high-paying tasks.
Successful work as a copywriter at home
With experience comes the ability to write quickly, smooth and mouth-watering articles for which customers are willing to pay good money. For experienced copywriters, there are closed exchanges: Textbroker, ContentMonster, TurboText - the payment for them is decent, you can get to the exchanges by completing a test task. An alternative to exchanges is to work directly with customers.
It is clear that customers "will not fall from the sky", you need to make some efforts - to present yourself beautifully on webmasters' forums, place your portfolio on resources for freelancers, create your own business card website. With the growth of skill, regular customers will appear.