How To Check The Work In Anti-plagiarism

How To Check The Work In Anti-plagiarism
How To Check The Work In Anti-plagiarism

Table of contents:


ETXT Antiplagiat is designed to check the uniqueness of rewritten texts. Antiplagiarism indicates the uniqueness of each specific text as a percentage.

How to check the work in anti-plagiarism
How to check the work in anti-plagiarism


Step 1

First of all, in order to check the work in Antiplagiat, you need to install this program on your computer. eTXT Antiplagiat is a free program that is freely distributed on the Internet. The distribution kit of the program, packed in a zip archive, can be downloaded directly from the official website of the eTXT project at the link After downloading, unpack the distribution and double-click on the executable file. During installation, follow all the instructions of the "Installation Wizard". At the end of the process, click the "Finish" button, and then launch eTXT Antiplagiarism

Step 2

Select a text file or text on a web page that you want to check for uniqueness, select it and right-click. In the context menu that opens, select the "Copy" command (or use the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut) in order to place the selected text on the clipboard. Then go to the eTXT Antiplagiat program window and place the cursor in the upper part of the window with a field for entering text, right-click and select the "Paste" command in the context menu (or use the Ctrl + V keyboard shortcut). After that, click the "Check uniqueness" button, or, depending on the task, click the "Operations" button and select the type of check: "Deep check", "Express check", "Batch check" or site check.

Step 3

Depending on the customer's requirements, in the eTXT Antiplagiat program, you can set the text uniqueness threshold and the size of the shingle (the number of consecutive checked words). To do this, go to the "Operations" menu and click the "Settings" button, then change the numbers in the "Determination of uniqueness" column of the "General" tab.
