Which Version Of Windows 7 Is Better To Install

Which Version Of Windows 7 Is Better To Install
Which Version Of Windows 7 Is Better To Install

Windows 7 is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. There are 5 flavors of Windows 7 in total, each of which has its own differences. You need to choose the right system so that the computer works well and does not slow down.

Which version of windows 7 is better to install
Which version of windows 7 is better to install


The most expensive is Windows Ultimate. This version has all the elements and bells and whistles that Microsoft ever came up with for Windows 7. Not all of them you need, since the average user does not use the capabilities of the enhanced desktop, HVD booting, network load management. Of course, if you are a professional and want to manage all modes, you can install this version. The cost of Windows Ultimate (Maximum) is approximately 11,500 rubles.

A large number of enhancements in the Ultimate version presuppose the powerful stuffing of your computer device. When installing the system, make sure that the computer has sufficient power, otherwise the OS may "hang".


Windows 7 Professional isn't much different from Ultimate. The main difference is the disabling of the functions for managing the computer in professional mode. As in Ultimate, work with DVDs is available, it is possible to connect the Aero function for the desktop. Available: create a restore point and back up data over the network.

Choose the Professional version only if you need serious Windows features to solve your problems. If you are a gambling addict you should also consider this version.

A good surprise for gamers will be the message that games with Windows XP in this version are also launched. The version is available in 64-bit version. The cost of the system is about 8,500 rubles.

Home Premium

Home Premium - This version is more stripped down than the Professional version. The latest version in the Windows 7 series, which has a 64-bit model. A distinctive feature is the presence of: Windows media center with full functionality, support for multiple monitors, support for tablet computers, the Aero function is available. The cost of the system is 5,000 rubles.

Starter and Home Premium

These versions have the smallest number of functions, but are the fastest in terms of performance. Disabled features: work with DVDs, Aero function, no sticky notes and the like.

The weakest versions are well suited for office work, they will be able to ensure reliable and fast work of employees.

Network operation is limited, only minimal data exchange is available, support for multiple monitors is not available, the ability to change the main screen saver is disabled. The cost is from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles.
