Which Strategy Is Better To Use In Freerolls

Which Strategy Is Better To Use In Freerolls
Which Strategy Is Better To Use In Freerolls

Many poker rooms are currently offering players various freerolls. I must say that freerolls do not smell like real poker, since most players play at random, playing any hands.

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Still, good players can make their way to the prize zones by playing their game. They will not be able to win all tournaments, but they are much more likely to win good prizes than unprepared players.


Why play freerolls?

If you want to start winning money right away, then freerolls are not for you. In freerolls, as a rule, there are small prize pools or tickets to other tournaments act as prizes.

Only patient players who know different game strategies can build a bankroll with the help of freerolls. In some poker and online gaming rooms play.cash-play-avtomatii.com you can find freerolls with prize pools of $ 500 and $ 1000, and, accordingly, for the first place you can get $ 50-150 at once. There are freerolls where tickets for tournaments with decent prize pools are raffled off. They can also give away tickets for satellites. By participating in satellites, you can win tickets to major tournaments with large prize pools. Of course, to build a bankroll, you will need to show maximum endurance and choose the most suitable ones in order to make money faster.

What are the preferred freerolls to play?

There are a lot of freerolls in poker rooms, but you simply won't have enough time to play all of them. As a rule, freerolls run from two to seven hours, and the number of participants in them is at least 1000 people, and at a maximum of 10,000 people. Many of them have penny prize pools or tickets to cash tournaments. So the choice of freerolls should be approached thoroughly in order to save time and visit the prizes more often. If you intend to play several freerolls at the same time, then the attention will be very diffuse, and you will not be able to play all of them well. Therefore, it is better to choose freerolls with good cash prizes, for example, $ 500-1000. There are not many such freerolls, but they can be found in various poker rooms. In these freerolls, if you get into the prize pool, you can win $ 50-100. It is on such tournaments that you should focus your attention, discarding the rest of them. You should not play in such freerolls, play in parallel in others.


How to play freerolls?

Many people understand that the game in freerolls defies any analysis, since the main part is very loose. Players are willing to play many junk hands with the sole purpose of building their stack at random. If they succeed, then they have the opportunity to enter the prize area and win a cash prize. Therefore, several types of strategies for playing freerolls have been developed in order to have the highest probability of winning prizes.

Loose strategy

In a loose strategy, players try to put in the pot as quickly as possible with a wide variety of pocket cards. This is done in order to randomly fill your stack. Often three or six players enter the game with all the chips in one hand. In such a hand, even a player with monster cards has a high probability of losing. It all depends on luck. And the goal of such a call is to win as many chips as possible. With more chips, the player has the ability to watch more hands and it is very likely to win them. Having, for example, a stack of 25,000 chips, he can easily call an all-ling player who went all-in with A, A, who has only 1,700 chips. Even if he loses, he will not be particularly upset. But the player with A, A can easily fly out of the tournament.

Hence the conclusion, play loose, otherwise you will quickly get out of the tournament, even if you get a good hand. But don't play the garbage hands. Wait for at least an ace with a decent kicker or pictures. You don't have to go all-ling with the first hand. You can wait for the second or third hand and enter the game with all the chips.

The advantage of playing like this in a freeroll is that you know right away whether you should devote time to it or not. Having won a large number of chips for luck, you can continue to play and try to enter the prizes. And after leaving the freeroll, you can register for the next freeroll and continue playing with the same strategy. In one of the freerolls, you will definitely increase your stack and continue the game. And if you sit and wait for your strong hand, it is not a fact that you will not be knocked out by a player with a large stack.

This strategy is more suitable for freerolls in which the prize money is not very large.

Loose looking strategy

This strategy is very similar to the previous strategy, but it has some nuances. You should also try to fill your stack as quickly as possible. But now you shouldn't enter the game from the first, second hand. We need to wait until the first crazy hands are played and the game goes into a slightly calmer channel. That's when you should start your game, trying to enter the pot with all your chips with a small number of players, and looking around so that there is no big raise in front of you. Again, the goal of this strategy is to significantly increase the stack in a short time in order to continue the fight for cash prizes.

This strategy is similar to almost all types of freerolls.

Super tight strategy

The next strategy for playing freerolls is the super tight strategy. It assumes a completely opposite approach to a loose strategy. You should only enter the bank with monster cards when there are one or three players in the game. In this case, you have a chance to replay them. By playing only strong hands against a small number of opponents, you can win a decent amount of chips and hit the prize pool.

This strategy is suitable for freerolls where fairly large cash prizes are played. In this case, do not rush and play at random.

There are not so many freerolls with big prize money and they should be given more time and wait for good cards, hoping to play them well and continue playing in the struggle to reach the prizes.

Playing freerolls starts to resemble real poker when about half of the players are knocked out. Of course, there will be players in the game who have made the stack and continue to enter the pot with any hand, but there will be few of them. The rest will already play on the cards, and it will be easier for you to navigate.


Play freerolls and try to increase your bankroll with their help. This is real, you just need to show patience and ingenuity.
