How Torrents Work In

How Torrents Work In
How Torrents Work In

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Torrenting is one of the most popular ways to share information on the Internet. It is difficult to find an active computer user who has never used this convenient file download option. At the same time, not everyone fully understands how torrents work.

How torrents work in 2017
How torrents work in 2017


Step 1

The point of the BitTorrent protocol is that you do not download a whole file from one server, but many small pieces of a file scattered across the computers of private users around the world. The advantages of this are obvious: one server can process only a limited number of requests, and its upload speed is not infinite, so many users downloading the same file will face a limitation of the download speed. At the same time, the more users download the file via the torrent client, the faster the download speed.

Step 2

First, you need the owner of the file to run a torrent client on his computer, which splits the file into small parts, creates a description of each part and saves all this data to a torrent file. After that, the owner uploads the torrent file to the server, which is not the storage location for the main file, but only controls the distribution. Since the size of the torrent file is very small, everyone can download it from the server.

Step 3

After downloading a torrent file, your computer contacts the server with a request, where you can download parts of the main file, for example, a music archive. Naturally, at first all the pieces are downloaded only from the owner's computer, but the more people participate in the distribution, the more options your torrent client has. That is why, when downloading a torrent, you need to pay attention to the number of participants in the distribution.

Step 4

Many people don't want to burden their internet connection by torrenting. After downloading the file, they immediately leave the distribution. To make the torrent network more efficient, most servers have introduced the concept of a rating for uploaded and downloaded data. The higher the rating, the more privileges the user has, and vice versa, with a low rating, you simply cannot take part in the download.

Step 5

Some copyright companies are happy to take advantage of the BitTorrent protocol. For example, Blizzard officially distributes client-side games through its own torrent client.
