Using torrent trackers will not be convenient if the download speed is very slow. In order to avoid this, you need to know who the seeds and peers are in the torrent.

A sid (or seeder) is a torrent user who has completely downloaded all files from a given distribution. After downloading them, he can start distributing to those users who have not yet done so. Sid has the right to limit the speed to all downloading or certain, if at that moment he needs an unoccupied Internet channel. To become a seeder, it is not at all necessary to download 100% of the required files and then distribute them. You can create your own unique distribution, the main thing is that the quality of its design meets the requirements of a particular tracker.
Many torrent trackers have ratings of the top seeders who have distributed the most information. However, these data are not always real. Many seeders increase their ratings, since the top place provides the tracker user with various additional options and capabilities. Such cheating is strictly punishable.
Peers (or lychees) are those who download a file using a torrent. As soon as the peer downloads 100% of the information from the current torrent, it becomes a seed. Both seeds and feasts have the ability to share information from the distribution. Only the latter do not have the physical ability to distribute all the torrent data, so they distribute only the available ones.
Pir should use firewalls and antiviruses to feel comfortable while downloading information. Sometimes, under the guise of harmless files in the distribution, viruses are hidden that can harm your computer.
Many torrent trackers have a download limit. As soon as it is reached, the user has to distribute information in order to be able to download it again later. However, the number of such trackers is very small, most of them are located abroad.
The ratio between seeds and peers
The more seeds and fewer peers a particular torrent has, the higher the download speed of its data will be. Because of this, the concept of torrent quality was introduced. Users have their own individual rating on each individual torrent tracker where there is a registration. This rating is formed not only on the basis of the amount of information transmitted to other users, but also on the basis of how actively he pumps information from others. This is called ratio. If ratio> 1, then the user distributes more information than downloads. If ratio