How To Read A Vkontakte Wall

How To Read A Vkontakte Wall
How To Read A Vkontakte Wall

Table of contents:


The need to read the records of the user's wall of the social network "VKontakte" can be caused by a variety of reasons. One of the most common is an incompletely completed profile. The problem can be solved by using some hidden network capabilities.

How to read a Vkontakte wall
How to read a Vkontakte wall


Step 1

Determine the required user ID. This value is assigned to each user of the VKontakte network and is displayed in the line when you move the mouse cursor over a photo or username.

Step 2

To be able to view the wall records of the selected user, insert the saved identification number into the line To display the photo albums of the selected user, enter the number value into the line php? id = id_number.

Step 3

To view photos with the selected user tagged, use the address To display the groups of the desired user, go to id = id_number.

Step 4

To be able to view video materials of the desired user, enter the value of the identification number in the line To gain access to the videos on which the desired user of the VKontakte network is marked, use the link http: / /

Step 5

To listen to audio materials of the selected user, enter the saved value of the user number in the line To view the notes of the desired user of the social network, go to id = id_number.
