How To Start A Chat Conversation

How To Start A Chat Conversation
How To Start A Chat Conversation

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A person who has recently started chatting often has difficulty finding a phrase to start a conversation. How do you join an electronic conversation and seamlessly integrate into it?

How to start a chat conversation
How to start a chat conversation


Step 1

Once you start the chat program and join all the rooms in which you participate, do not send out the phrase "Hello everyone!" The daily “greetings” in conferences can easily identify newcomers, because users who have been participating in the rooms for a long time, in order to save time, usually configure the client program in such a way that it automatically starts when the computer is turned on and enters all chats. The program works constantly, but an experienced user is distracted for communication only when he has a few minutes of free time. Everything said here about greetings fully applies to goodbyes.

Step 2

Wait for the question to appear in the conference, the answer to which you know well. Answer it, bring benefit to the other person with your answer, and you will raise your rating in the eyes of the longtime participant of this chat. If you do not know the answer to the question, do not litter the room with fruitless reflections, guesses - just keep silent. If you are answering a question for the first time today, right now, and not at the time of joining the conference, it is better to greet participants. For example: “Hello! This speaker has four contacts, only the extreme ones are used, and the middle ones do not need to be connected anywhere."

Step 3

If in the chat there are meaningless discussions like "which is better, a, b or c" (the so-called "holivars"), not only do not start communication in such a room, but also do not waste precious time reading messages in it. Remember the expression: "holivar is an argument where everyone tries to impose on other participants the opinion that the shoes of his size are right for them." Look for another conference that has constructive dialogues.

Step 4

At the other extreme, you can connect to a room and not say anything at all, even if another participant has contacted you. Such users are jokingly called "spies" in chat rooms and are sometimes kicked out. Tell us a little about yourself, about your area of interest, about issues that you are well versed in. If at this time in the room there is a conversation on another topic (for example, one participant advises another on a particular issue), so as not to interfere with them, go to private.

Step 5

Once you've mastered the chat, you can start asking your questions as well. Do not invent their themes, just ask about what you really need to get an answer about. Contact the room for advice, consult others and gain experience, do not be distracted by idle communication, and the chat will become your assistant in your work, and not a factor that distracts you from it.
