On the Internet, you can find and download almost any file you are interested in. Be it music, video, film or program. All these files are uploaded to servers by ordinary users, because even with this they can earn a little money on the Internet.
![How to upload a file and where How to upload a file and where](https://i.internetdaybook.com/images/032/image-94429-1-j.webp)
Step 1
Go to the website www.mail.ru. If you are already registered on this service, then log in with your username and password. If you have come to this site for the first time and are not registered on it, then do it by clicking on the "Register" button.
Step 2
When you enter the system, find at the top of the screen the line with the projects of this site ("Mail", "My World" and so on), at the very end there will be an item "All projects". Click on it, in the list that appears, select "Files".
Step 3
On the page that opens, click on the "Upload file" button. A Windows window will open, in which find the file you need, then double-click on it with the left mouse button. The selected file will be loaded.
Step 4
There are also file hosting services without registration, one of them is www.fayloobmennik.net/. Go to this site. Click on the "Select File" button.
Step 5
Fill in the fields "Description", "Your e-mail" and "Password to the file", the last item can be left blank if the password for the file is not required.
Step 6
Put a check mark next to the item "I agree with the terms of service" and click on the button "Download". When the file is uploaded, a "Click here" link will appear - click on it. You will be provided with links to download this file.
Step 7
Recently, sites have emerged that provide persistent storage for your files, and they provide a lot of storage space. We can say that it is an online hard drive. One of these services is https://www.box.com, go to this site.
Step 8
Register on it by clicking on the Sign Up button, select the free option (Free), click on Sign Up Now.
Step 9
On the page that appears, fill in all the required fields for registration, write everything in Latin. Choose 5 Gb of free space - this is a free use case. Click on the Continue button.
Step 10
Go to your mailbox and follow the link that will be indicated in the letter (confirmation of registration). Click on the green Login button.
Step 11
Enter your password and click Log In. To upload a file, click on the Upload button, select the file you want to upload and click Upload. Your file is uploaded, now you can use it as you see fit.