The easiest way to increase the speed of the Internet, of course, is to buy a faster and, accordingly, more expensive tariff. However, if the lack of funds does not allow doing this, then you can "overclock" the Internet by slightly optimizing its use.

Step 1
Determine which programs in the background are using your internet connection in one way or another. such programs can be download managers, online radios, music players located on remote servers, or torrent clients. Close programs that are not needed, or set a limit on the download speed. For example, by limiting the speed of receiving a torrent client at the rate of 10% of the declared speed of your connection, you will get a noticeable increase in the comfort of browsing the web without interrupting the download. The same can be done with download managers. For less traffic consumption, an online radio station can be switched to the mode of receiving a stream with a lower bit rate.
Step 2
Go to the settings of your main browser. Smart selection of Internet browser settings will also help increase the speed of the Internet. For example, if most of the time on the Internet you read text, not paying attention to the multimedia component of the sites, then you can turn off its loading. Earlier versions of browsers allowed you to disable the loading of images, in modern versions there is no such setting, but displaying video, loading sounds and flash elements can be disabled. Install a browser extension that blocks ads (like AdBlock). This will greatly speed up your web pages. In addition, some browsers have content compression functions, which also has a positive effect on the speed of the Internet.
Step 3
You can also optimize the Internet by optimizing the operating system as a whole. Use special optimizer programs for this. They will allow you to increase the speed of your computer, as well as disable some operating system services that may consume Internet traffic.