How To Create An Electronic Signature

How To Create An Electronic Signature
How To Create An Electronic Signature

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An electronic signature is a requisite of an electronic document, which makes it possible to establish the absence of distortion of information in a document from the moment the electronic signature is formed, as well as to check the signature's ownership of the owner of its key. An electronic signature uses a cryptographic transformation of information using a private key.

How to create an electronic signature
How to create an electronic signature


Step 1

An electronic digital signature can be obtained at a certification center. Such a signature is used in many cases, for example, in the production of electronic trading on the exchange. Most of the leading companies are actively involved in electronic trading, which is the future of the global financial market. To register on the trading platform and securely conclude transactions at a distance, an electronic signature is used.

Step 2

To obtain an electronic digital signature, you need to contact a special certification center for the region where you live. The certification center is a special institution licensed to issue an electronic digital signature.

Step 3

Send an application for obtaining an electronic digital signature to the certification center. Then an employee of the center will contact you and tell you the order of further actions. These actions are aimed at ascertaining the authenticity of your data, without which obtaining a signature is impossible. One of the verification stages will be to find out the authenticity of the constituent documents, copies of which you will have to send to the certification center (as a rule, it is enough to scan the original).

Step 4

Registration of an electronic digital signature ends with the generation of two types of keys on a special carrier - open and closed. You will also be issued a certificate (in electronic and paper form), digitally signed and stamped by the certification center.

Step 5

So, your electronic digital signature is ready, now you can use it for electronic trading. To do this, you will need to configure the software on your computer. If you have any difficulties in setting up the program, you can turn to specialists for help.
