The user's avatar on a social network is the first thing that guests of your page can see. It is from this photo that many people draw conclusions about you.

Step 1
The avatar of the user of the social network VKontakte.
On the main photo of your VKontakte profile, you can put a file with a minimum resolution of 200 by 200 pixels and with a maximum resolution of 200 in width and 500 in height. Particular attention should be paid to choosing a square thumbnail, which is usually displayed next to your comments and post.

Step 2
Photos in the albums of the social network VKontakte.
All original photos uploaded to the social network are processed by a special algorithm with some degree of blurring. To improve the quality of the uploaded images, it is worth uploading horizontal photos with a maximum resolution of 1000 pixels in width and vertical ones of 700 pixels. In order to avoid the appearance of strong blur, VKontakte experts recommend you to sharpen your photos yourself.

Step 3
Facebook user avatar.
An image uploaded to a Facebook user's avatar is usually cropped to a square. Therefore, it is better that the original photo already have square proportions of at least 180 pixels.
Facebook cover page.
The minimum size for your Facebook cover photo must be at least 400 pixels by 150 pixels. However, a picture of such a tiny size will inevitably be stretched to the standard size of 815 to 315 pixels, so it is most logical to use a photo of the corresponding parameters.
Photos to the album of the social network Facebook.
The recommended parameters for uploading photos to an album are 600 x 400 pixels.