Where To Install Scripts

Where To Install Scripts
Where To Install Scripts

Working on the Internet, users are now and then faced with the presence of various services on sites, ranging from registration forms and sending messages to various counters, search strings, IP identifiers, etc. All these and many other functions are usually implemented using scripts.

Where to install scripts
Where to install scripts

A script is a small program written in one of the scripting languages and responsible for the execution of a particular function. When creating sites, forums, blogs, guest books, etc. usually use the PHP programming language. It has many advantages, one of the main ones being its simplicity. You can learn how to write simple scripts in a matter of hours, even if you have never dealt with programming before. Also, scripts are often written in Perl.

The script files are installed on the site. Some scripts may have an installer to make the installation procedure easier. In this case, the user is only required to enter the necessary information - for example, specify the path to the database, the installer will do the rest by itself. But most of the scripts are installed "manually", while the site administrator will need to configure the installed program. As a rule, script authors always provide them with installation explanations found in the readme.txt or install.txt files.

The script is uploaded to the server via FTP or in the browser through the site control panel. If you are using FTP, you need an FTP client. It can be a specialized program - for example, CuteFTP, or even the well-known file manager Total Commander, which includes the necessary utility.

Usually, the site files are located on the hosting in the public_html folder, and it is in this folder that you need to upload the folder with the installed files. After that, you should set the access rights, this is necessary so that only those who have the appropriate authority for this have access to the files. The rights are set using a special digital code. Code 747 is set for all folders and files with the *.php and *.html extensions. For graphics - 644. For files in which users write and edit texts (for example, messages) - 777. In some cases, other rights may be set, specific recommendations are usually listed in the script's help file.

The files are uploaded, the rights are set. If the script has an installation file install.php, it should be run, for this it is enough to type in the browser httr: // site_address.install.php. If there is no installation file, you must follow the instructions for installing the script. It is worth noting that PHP scripts can be inserted directly into the page's html code. But for them to be executed, the *.htm or *.html extensions should be changed to *.php. Renaming will not affect the performance of the page itself.
