How To Make A Domain

How To Make A Domain
How To Make A Domain

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In fact, a domain is just a unique name-link to a site, knowing which you can easily find a site on the international network.

Making a domain is almost the easiest step in creating a website
Making a domain is almost the easiest step in creating a website

It is necessary

hosting, money


Step 1

First, you need to choose a hosting with suitable conditions. Otherwise, you will not be able to see if your domain is functioning properly. Hosting is a service of providing physical space on the hard disk of a company's server to host the files of your future website. Many hosting companies also provide domain name registration services.

Step 2

Find a domain registration company on the Internet with conditions that suit you. Registrar companies ensure the uniqueness of the domain, put up for auctions already existing names that are no longer needed by their owners, provide information on whose name this or that domain is registered.

Step 3

Select a first-level domain (ru, com, net, tv, and so on). Choose a name for your domain. The name combined with the first level domain must have been previously unregistered. There are some rules for choosing a domain name. All registration areas have reserved names for government government agencies. Do not use an obscene word in the domain name. Domain must be from 2 to 64 characters long, not start with a hyphen and not contain 2 hyphens in a row.

Step 4

Order a domain registration service, fill out the owner's questionnaire and pay for the domain registration. In your personal account on the registrar's website, you should specify the DNS servers of the hosting company. The domain will be linked to these servers. When changing hosting, you will need to change this information so that your site is available again to users.
