Domain Classification

Domain Classification
Domain Classification

Domain name (Domain Name, domain) - a symbolic name that serves to identify units of administrative autonomy on the Internet in a higher hierarchical area.

Domain classification
Domain classification

Determine domain ownership

Domain classification has a hierarchical structure and includes domain names of various levels. However, only the first three levels are used: first, second and third, since longer names are illegible.

The domain of the first (or top) level is the ending after the dot. Another name is domain zone. First-level domains are subdivided into international and national. National - these are top (first) level domains that point to a specific country and are used only in it, for example, indicate the site belongs to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

International domains are preferable to national ones, as they can be used everywhere without restrictions. The most,.org. Previously, international domains were registered depending on whether they belong to a commercial or non-commercial organization, for personal use, or for a company. Today these differences have practically leveled out. However, domains can only be owned by government and educational institutions.

First-level domains: both national and international - you cannot buy. They have already been allocated.

How to choose a name for a resource

Buy domains of the second level, for example, and You create the second-level domain yourself. Remember, the domain name is individual; you cannot find two sites with the same domain. Please note that and are two different domain names because they are registered in different domain zones.

Similar names for web resources are purchased from domain name registrars. After purchasing a second-level domain, which will be located on a paid server, its owner can host third-level subdomains for free. This phenomenon is quite developed and popularized in our country. You will find many offers of such domains on the Internet. However, keep in mind that along with free hosting, you will only get a third-level domain, and it is less cost-effective. You will not be the owner of such a domain. Therefore, if you need a domain for a serious site, then this is definitely a second-level domain.

No web resource can exist without its own name, that is, a domain. So if you are planning to have your own website, then be prepared to buy a name for it, that is, a domain.
