Nowadays, many people use Internet services to obtain information. When downloading content, the question arises about how long it will take to download a file, and when watching a video online, you are interested in what the speed of the Internet connection should be for comfortable viewing. To calculate this, you need to know what bits and bytes are and be able to convert kilobytes to megabits.

Step 1
Bit (English Binary digIT - a binary sign, or bit - a little) - an elementary computer memory device used to store one of the characters of a binary code. It is called the minimum unit of information transfer. Bit combinations can represent a character, toggle, or transmit a signal. Bits are used to translate information into a sequence of characters suitable for computer processing. This information is called bit information.
Step 2
A byte (BinarY TErm - binary term, binary expression) is an independent memory element that stores information written to it. A byte consists of 8 bits. Let's consider what are kilobytes and megabits and how to recalculate them. In other words, let's analyze how you can convert kilobytes to megabits.
Step 3
In the world SI system of measurement, the prefixes kilo-, mega - mean 1000 and 100000, respectively. But this is not the case for the speed of information transfer. In the computer industry, it is generally accepted that the prefix kilo- stands for 1024, therefore, megabytes - 1024 * 1024 = 1048576. So how many kilobytes are there in a megabit? Let's make a calculation. First, let's calculate how many bits are in 1 kilobyte. 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes = 1024 * 8 = 8192 bits.
Step 4
Now let's convert bits to megabits. To do this, divide the resulting number by a number equal to the prefix mega. 8192/1048576 = 0, 0078125 megabits. Combining the calculations made, we can say that 1 kilobyte = 0, 0078125 megabits. Or 1KB = 0, 0078125Mb.