How To Change The Type Of Network Access From Closed To Open

How To Change The Type Of Network Access From Closed To Open
How To Change The Type Of Network Access From Closed To Open

Table of contents:


When setting up a game server, users are faced with the problem of closed access. It can occur for various reasons, depending on which you need to choose a solution to the problem.

How to change the type of network access from closed to open
How to change the type of network access from closed to open


Access to network management


Step 1

Open the control panel and go to the connection settings menu. Right-click on the connection you are using and click on the "Properties" item in the context menu. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and go to configuring the firewall.

Step 2

Add the port to the exceptions menu, then specify any name for it. In the port number, specify the values 1500, 3005, 3101, 28960. Write down the UPD type. Start the game with the changes applied, or best of all, restart your computer first.

Step 3

If you have a closed network type, go to the settings of the modem you are using and enable the UPnP function, then save the changes and restart your computer or modem. Start the game and check if the access type has changed from private to public.

Step 4

With a closed type of access, check if your address is in NAT, which means that information flow is being redirected from the side of your ISP or the router used. Enter the address of the router in the address bar of the browser, enable UPnP settings in the window that appears.

Step 5

In the computer control panel, go to the administration section, and then select the "Services" menu item. Find the firewall settings in the list, open the Internet sharing settings and from the context menu go to "Properties". In the Startup Type menu, find the Disabled value and click the Stop button. Save your changes.

Step 6

Disable Windows Firewall, add ports to your firewall's exclusion list, or shut it down as well. Disable the antivirus for a certain time. If all the above steps did not help you, most likely the problem of opening access to the network is the blocking of ports by your ISP. Contact him to provide you with a "white" IP address.
